Bergabung Bersama Kami

Temukan peluang karir yang menarik di PT. MERO SEKAWAN JAYA! Untuk Anda yang baru memulai karir atau mencari tantangan baru, kami memiliki berbagai posisi di beberapa departemen. Bergabunglah bersama kami dan jadilah bagian dari tim yang berkomitmen untuk memberikan produk berkualitas dan mendorong inovasi industri.

Senior Front End Engineer

Kelapa Gading - Jakarta, Hybrid

Job Description

While we would love to be able to give a definitive, fixed price for a website, it really depends on the specific needs for each individual business. If one business needs a website comprised
of five pages, while another has a substantially larger site of over 100 pages – obviously those projects are going to command different price points.

With that being said – here are some general guidelines on what to expect from a pricing standpoint.

Key Responsibilities
  • Cake toffee topping dragée dessert cupcake tootsie roll.
  • Tart macaroon chocolate cake cake macaroon muffin cheesecake pudding brownie.
  • Tart lollipop gingerbread jujubes cookie lollipop chocolate.
  • Sugar plum chocolate bar gummies icing halvah donut oat cake marshmallow jujubes.
  • Powder candy topping soufflé jujubes topping tiramisu dragée.
  • Bonbon toffee caramels chocolate liquorice.
Skills/ Qualifications
  • If you can get by with a small website (between 3 – 10 pages) using a pre-designed template
  • You can expect to pay approximately $2,500.00
  • A mid-sized website that has anywhere from 11 – 25 pages
  • But still uses a pre-made Template
  • Will be between $3,000.00 – $5,000.00
  • If you have a lot of pages
  • are looking for something completely custom
  • or are looking for something that has special functionality such as eCommerce
  • custom calculators, or integrations with other services
  • you may be looking at anywhere from $10,000 – $20,000
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Sr. Software Engineer

Depok - Jawa barat, Hybrid

Job Description

This will vary depending on the type of project. For logo & branding projects, fees will be one-time costs. For website projects, we will typically charge a monthly fee, depending on the level
of service you choose. To view a full list of our monthly packages, click here.

Key Responsibilities
  • Cake toffee topping dragée dessert cupcake tootsie roll.
  • Tart macaroon chocolate cake cake macaroon muffin cheesecake pudding brownie.
  • Tart lollipop gingerbread jujubes cookie lollipop chocolate.
  • Sugar plum chocolate bar gummies icing halvah donut oat cake marshmallow jujubes.
  • Powder candy topping soufflé jujubes topping tiramisu dragée.
  • Bonbon toffee caramels chocolate liquorice.
Skills/ Qualifications
  • If you can get by with a small website (between 3 – 10 pages) using a pre-designed template
  • You can expect to pay approximately $2,500.00
  • A mid-sized website that has anywhere from 11 – 25 pages
  • But still uses a pre-made Template
  • Will be between $3,000.00 – $5,000.00
  • If you have a lot of pages
  • are looking for something completely custom
  • or are looking for something that has special functionality such as eCommerce
  • custom calculators, or integrations with other services
  • you may be looking at anywhere from $10,000 – $20,000
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Sales Executive

Medan - Sumatra Utara, Hybrid

Job Description

“Why so much?” many people ask. To reply simply – because they require a lot of work. At least, to do them properly. And of all of the investments that you will make for your business, your
logo & branding is one area where you don’t want to skimp.

In business, image is everything. And while your overall brand is based on far more than just your logo, a bad logo can create a strong first impression (for better or for worse).

A properly designed logo requires hours of research, and hundreds of sketches and iterations. And with an increasing number of branded businesses in the world, doing research to verify that
your mark is unique is a tedious yet necessary part of the process.

With each logo project that we complete, we provide 3 – 5 unique logo concepts, a branding guide that details how to properly use the logo, several versions of the logo that are print-ready,
and can be sent to any printer or publisher for easy use, detailed color schemes, typography & associated fonts, and design samples of your new logo.

Key Responsibilities
  • Cake toffee topping dragée dessert cupcake tootsie roll.
  • Tart macaroon chocolate cake cake macaroon muffin cheesecake pudding brownie.
  • Tart lollipop gingerbread jujubes cookie lollipop chocolate.
  • Sugar plum chocolate bar gummies icing halvah donut oat cake marshmallow jujubes.
  • Powder candy topping soufflé jujubes topping tiramisu dragée.
  • Bonbon toffee caramels chocolate liquorice.
Skills/ Qualifications
  • If you can get by with a small website (between 3 – 10 pages) using a pre-designed template
  • You can expect to pay approximately $2,500.00
  • A mid-sized website that has anywhere from 11 – 25 pages
  • But still uses a pre-made Template
  • Will be between $3,000.00 – $5,000.00
  • If you have a lot of pages
  • are looking for something completely custom
  • or are looking for something that has special functionality such as eCommerce
  • custom calculators, or integrations with other services
  • you may be looking at anywhere from $10,000 – $20,000
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